Traditional Catholic Radio V11

Traditional Catholic Radio

Traditional Catholic Radio

Schedule (U.S. Eastern Time Zone) Current Time: 04:10:03

Sunday Jul 21
IX Sunday after Pentecost (II)(
St. Lawrence of Brindisi (III)
St. Praxedes

Monday Jul 22
St. Mary Magdalen (III)

Tuesday Jul 23
St. Apollinaris (III)
St. Liborius

Wednesday Jul 24
Feria (IV)
St. Francis Solano

Thursday Jul 25
St. James the Greater (II)
St. Christopher

Friday Jul 26
St. Anne Mother of the BVM (II)

Saturday Jul 27
Our Lady on Saturdays
St Pantaleaon (IV)

00:01:00 Trios (+CM)
00:21:00 Fr. Portugal _ 15th SAP
00:51:00 5th Sunday After the Epiphany (+JP)
01:40:00 Holy Eucharist as Sacrifice (+FS)
02:00:00 5th Sunday After pentecost (+SS)
02:23:00 My Immaculate Heart (+JP)
03:08:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Philosophy of Life
03:43:00 Doctrinal Conference (17-18)(+RW)
04:51:00 Dr. Chojnowski - The Fatima Message
05:30:00 9th Sunday After Pentecost (+AP)
06:04:00 Bishop Fellay - Final Vows
06:39:00 The Changes in the Church (+KR)
07:30:00 Music of the Blessed Virgin
08:00:00 Glorius Mysteries of the Rosary
08:30:00 Prime Sunday
09:00:00 Sunday Mass
10:02:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: New Testament Revelation
10:32:00 6th SAP - Power of the Church (Fr. John of the Cross) (+JP)
11:03:00 The Mass-Motu Proprio (+JR)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 Sext-Sunday
12:24:00 Fr. Zendejas - 10th Sunday After Pentacost
12:57:00 The Mass-In Times of Persecution (+JI)
14:01:00 Bishop Williamson _ Subdeaconate
14:17:00 Bishop Tissier June 2016 Conference (+BT)
15:16:00 2012 Confirmations Sermon (+BT)
15:38:00 Mass and the Holy Eucharist (+JW)
16:00:00 Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
16:30:00 11th Sunday After Pentecost (+CD)
16:52:00 WALK-SPLC
17:33:00 Doctrinal Conference 15-16(+RW)
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Low Sunday-Sacrifice
18:29:00 Br. Bugnolo - The Ressurection (VOCR)
19:00:00 Vespers
19:35:00 Fr. Portugal _ 11th SAP
20:00:00 Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
20:25:00 Compline Sunday
20:56:00 St Joan of Arc (Angelus Press)
22:02:00 The Mass-Luther (+JR)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Zacheus (+JP)
00:28:00 WALK-SPLC
01:09:00 Plot Against The Church (ISOC)
02:30:00 5th Sunday After the Epiphany (+JP)
03:19:00 Doctrinal Conference (19-20)(+RW)
04:39:00 Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (+PA)
04:47:00 13thSAP-Lepers (+KR)
05:22:00 Low Sunday-Sacrifice
05:40:00 11th Sunday After Pentecost (+CD)
06:02:00 8th Sunday After Pentecost (+AP)
06:30:00 Guilt (+FS)
07:00:00 Daily Mass
08:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
08:30:00 Prime Monday
08:54:00 Faith Unifies (+JP)
09:30:00 Prime Monday
09:54:00 All Saints (+TB)
10:27:00 6th SAP - Power of the Church (Fr. John of the Cross) (+JP)
10:58:00 Auriesville 09 (+HL)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Monday
12:29:00 Benedictines Of Mary
13:44:00 Intolerant Saint (+DD)
14:08:00 St Ignatius 1 (+SS)
14:37:00 Unity (+SS)
15:07:00 Dr. Chojnowski - The Fatima Message
16:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
16:34:00 Doctrinal Conference (17-18)(+RW)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Youth and Sex (+FS)
19:00:00 News
19:10:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P5
20:22:00 Bishop Williamson _ Subdeaconate
20:38:00 13th Sunday After Pentecost (+JP)
21:10:00 13thSAP (+DC)
21:36:00 St Ignatius 2 (+SS)
22:02:00 Holy Eucharist as Sacrifice (+FS)
22:22:00 Fr. Zendejas - 10th Sunday After Pentacost
23:00:00 Compline Monday
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Talk for fathers (+PW)
01:47:00 Auriesville 09 (+TP)
02:31:00 St. Pius X (+KR)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Tuesday
03:55:00 Attacks on the Family(+JM)
04:57:00 Hierarchy of Truths (+GH)
06:15:00 The Mass-Discovered By a Diocesan Priest (+X)
07:00:00 Daily Mass
08:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
08:34:00 Fr. Portugal _ 14th SAP
09:00:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: New Testament Revelation
09:30:00 Prime Tuesday
09:55:00 The Mass-In Times of Persecution (+JI)
10:59:00 5th Sunday After pentecost (+SS)
11:22:00 Catechism-May24(+TP)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Tuesday
12:29:00 The Mass-Obections To The Novus Ordo (+DT)
13:40:00 The Mass-Motu Proprio (+JR)
15:00:00 Whims of Our Children (+SS)
15:30:00 Mustard Seed(+PM)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 Fr. Portugal _ 15th SAP
17:00:00 News
17:10:00 Bishop Tissier June 2016 Conference (+BT)
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Auriesville 09 (+KR)
18:48:00 Plot Against the Church-13 (ISOC)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:34:00 The Changes in the Church (+KR)
21:08:00 2012 Confirmations Sermon (+BT)
21:30:00 Education Of Children (+DD)
21:51:00 Br. Bugnolo - The Ressurection (VOCR)
22:33:00 Mass and the Holy Eucharist (+JW)
23:00:00 Compline Tuesday
00:01:00 Things Well (+AB)
00:26:00 Bishop Williamson _ Confirmation
00:53:00 8th SAP - Station of the Priest (+JP)
01:30:00 Fr. Portugal _ 13th SAP
01:57:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Philosophy of Life
02:32:00 Dr. David Allen White - Rock and Roll
03:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
03:34:00 Cathedrals (+KR)
04:03:00 12th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
04:29:00 St Ignatius 3 (+SS)
04:54:00 St Joan of Arc (Angelus Press)
06:00:00 13thSAP (+DC)
06:26:00 6th SAP - Spiritual Desert (+JP)
06:59:00 Doctrinal Conference (27-28)(+RW)
08:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:30:00 Prime Wednesday
08:55:00 Doctrinal Conference 15-16(+RW)
10:04:00 Sacred Tradition (+GH)
11:11:00 11th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
11:39:00 The Mass-and Marriage (+JW)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Wednesday
12:30:00 5th Sunday after Pentacost- (+JP)
13:09:00 Abba - 8thSAP (+AF)
13:25:00 Why Are We Traditional
13:52:00 13th Sunday After Pentecost (+JP)
14:24:00 The Mass-Original Sin (JV)
15:25:00 The Mass-Offertory Symbology (+DC)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
16:34:00 BVM Chapel - Syracuse NY
16:42:00 The Mass-and Archbishop Lefebvre (+BT)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Dr. Chojnowski - 100 Years of Modernism
19:00:00 News
19:10:00 Fr. Portugal _ 11th SAP
19:39:00 Assisting at Mass (+RM)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
20:30:00 Compline Wednesday
21:02:00 The Mass-Luther (+JR)
22:16:00 Fr. Portugal _ 12th SAP
22:46:00 Bishop Fellay - Final Vows
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Things Well (+AB)
00:26:00 St. Thomas Aquinas (+JP)
00:41:00 The Coming Chastisement (+KR)
01:12:00 9th Sunday After Pentecost (+AP)
01:46:00 Plot Against The Church (ISOC)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Thursday
03:55:00 5th Sunday After pentecost (+SS)
04:18:00 My Immaculate Heart (+JP)
05:03:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Philosophy of Life
05:38:00 Doctrinal Conference (17-18)(+RW)
06:46:00 Dr. Chojnowski - The Fatima Message
07:25:00 9th Sunday After Pentecost (+AP)
08:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:30:00 Prime Thursday
08:55:00 Bishop Fellay - Final Vows
09:30:00 The Changes in the Church (+KR)
10:04:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: New Testament Revelation
10:34:00 6th SAP - Power of the Church (Fr. John of the Cross) (+JP)
11:05:00 The Mass-Motu Proprio (+JR)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Thursday
12:29:00 Fr. Zendejas - 10th Sunday After Pentacost
13:02:00 The Mass-In Times of Persecution (+JI)
14:06:00 Bishop Williamson _ Subdeaconate
14:22:00 Bishop Tissier June 2016 Conference (+BT)
15:21:00 2012 Confirmations Sermon (+BT)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
16:34:00 Mass and the Holy Eucharist (+JW)
17:00:00 News
17:10:00 11th Sunday After Pentecost (+CD)
17:32:00 WALK-SPLC
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Doctrinal Conference 15-16(+RW)
19:20:00 Low Sunday-Sacrifice
19:38:00 Br. Bugnolo - The Ressurection (VOCR)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
20:29:00 Compline Thursday
21:00:00 Fr. Portugal _ 11th SAP
21:29:00 St Joan of Arc (Angelus Press)
22:35:00 The Mass-Luther (+JR)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 The Passion Of The Christ Film Discussion PT1 (+JP)
01:13:00 The Passion Of The Christ Film Discussion PT2 (+JP)
02:13:00 Fr. Portugal _ 14th SAP
02:39:00 Auriesville 09 (+HL)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Friday
03:55:00 Attacks on the Family(+JM)
04:57:00 Doctrinal Conference (27-28)(+RW)
06:17:00 11th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
07:00:00 Daily Mass
07:49:00 Dr. Chojnowski - 100 Years of Modernism
08:30:00 Intolerant Saint (+DD)
09:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
09:34:00 The Coming Chastisement (+KR)
10:05:00 Plot Against the Church-13 (ISOC)
11:25:00 5th Sunday after Pentacost- (+JP)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 News
12:12:00 Sext-Friday
12:28:00 Bishop Williamson _ Confirmation
12:55:00 13th Sunday After Pentecost (+JP)
13:27:00 All Saints (+TB)
14:00:00 The Mass-Offertory Symbology (+DC)
14:30:00 Russian Seminary Chant
15:35:00 The Mass-Discovered By a Diocesan Priest (+X)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 13thSAP (+DC)
17:00:00 Education Of Children (+DD)
17:21:00 Abba - 8thSAP (+AF)
17:37:00 BVM Chapel - Syracuse NY
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 St. Thomas Aquinas (+JP)
18:27:00 The Mass-Obections To The Novus Ordo (+DT)
19:00:00 News
19:10:00 13thSAP (+DC)
19:36:00 8th SAP - Station of the Priest (+JP)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:29:00 Compline Friday
21:00:00 13th Sunday After Pentecost (+JP)
21:32:00 Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (+PA)
21:40:00 8th Sunday After Pentecost (+AP)
22:08:00 Doctrinal Conference (19-20)(+RW)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Transfiguration (+CM)
00:24:00 St Ignatius 1 (+SS)
00:53:00 St. Pius X (+KR)
01:29:00 6th SAP - Spiritual Desert (+JP)
02:02:00 Auriesville 09 (+KR)
02:39:00 Dr. David Allen White - Rock and Roll
03:29:00 Catechism-May24(+TP)
04:05:00 Youth and Sex (+FS)
04:42:00 Hierarchy of Truths (+GH)
06:00:00 Guilt (+FS)
06:32:00 Sacred Tradition (+GH)
07:39:00 Auriesville 09 (+TP)
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
08:49:00 Fr. Portugal _ 13th SAP
09:30:00 Prime Saturday
09:59:00 St Ignatius 2 (+SS)
10:25:00 13thSAP-Lepers (+KR)
11:00:00 Cathedrals (+KR)
11:29:00 Why Are We Traditional
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 Sext-Saturday
12:23:00 The Mass-Original Sin (JV)
13:24:00 The Mass-and Marriage (+JW)
15:19:00 12th Sunday After Pentecost (+TP)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
16:34:00 Assisting at Mass (+RM)
16:52:00 The Mass-and Archbishop Lefebvre (+BT)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Faith Unifies (+JP)
19:00:00 Vespers
19:35:00 Fr. Portugal _ 12th SAP
20:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
20:29:00 Compline Saturday
20:59:00 St Ignatius 3 (+SS)
21:24:00 Unity (+SS)
21:54:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P5
23:00:00 Compline Saturday
23:35:00 Evening Prayers
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